The goings on of September 23rd and 24th

Hello friends!

I realize I didn’t post yesterday, and I apologize for that.  I’m going to try to keep these as interesting and as short as possible… so when I can cram two days into one blog, I’ll more than likely do that.

Today I got an early start.  I went for a walk before sunrise – though it wasn’t still dark outside. (That’s one of my favorite times of day, by the way.  The other is the time right before the sun sets.  Dawn and twilight; isn’t that what they’re officially called?) (Not a self-disclosure about my like or dislike of the books and movies there.  I can neither confirm, nor deny that I am a fan…). Anyway, I rounded the corner of a farm on one side and a public wooded park area on the other right as the sun was rising – overlooking the River Tay.  It was beautiful.  All I could think about was, “Your mercies are new every morning.”  So, I looked up the verse to see what it actually says, and it reads, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;  His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23) I think I should definitely spend more time thinking about each one of those things – because if I did, I think I could save myself a lot of time wasted on complaining, being complacent, and worrying.

After I got back it was time to head into town.  We had a meeting scheduled for 11:00, and that gave me two hours to kill.  So, naturally, I went into a coffee house, ordered a pot of tea, sat down in a deep leather sofa, and picked up my book.  I am reading A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway.  My brother John gave it to me as a birthday gift.  He said it’s his favorite book and he reads it at least once a year.  Anyway, with 2 hours to do nothing but read, I made it about halfway through.  It’s pretty good.  I’ll decide whether I like it or not when I’m finished.  Six cups of tea later, and it was time to go to the meeting.

I don’t really remember too much about the meeting, except that jet lag hit me in the face like a pillowcase full of soap bars.

We then went to have lunch at the same place I had tea that morning and were wanting a bowl of soup.  The waiter said, “The soup of the day is: Butternut Squash, Lentil, Chili, and (I can’t remember the fourth one – maybe Harvest Pumpkin?).  Linda and I both ordered Lentil soup.  The waiter went away and came back with two big bowls of thick orange broth.  I politely asked if this was the Lentil soup.  He then replied, “Oh, I’m sorry love, the soup of the day is a combination of those I listed.  There are lentils in there.”  It was actually really good.  Once we added salt.

Later in the evening, Jessica arrived by train from Newcastle, England, where she lives with her husband Paul. (Jessica is Robert and Linda’s daughter).  She came to town to celebrate Linda’s birthday (which was yesterday).  We went straight to the restaurant from the train station.  We had reservations at this really interesting place.  It was inside an art gallery.  I felt like I was definitely in a big city in Scotland.  There are so many things about this place that make me feel like I’m in a movie.  But not necessarily like I’m starring in one.  More like I’m an extra in a film that shows off a lot of culture – but I have no idea who the star of the movie is…

When we got home, I decided to go out back to look at the stars for a while.  I was told that every now and then, the Northern Lights are visible from here.  Since that’s on my list of things to do in life before I die, I figured I’d better take the opportunity while I had it.  While looking, admiring, and, naturally, contemplating the meaning of life, (joke), Guinness (their dog) brought me a torn up ball and begged me to throw it for him.  So, my time in thought was distracted.  But I’m sure there will be other nights to think and look at the stars.  Plus, Guinness is an amazing dog and it’s difficult to say no to him.  No Northern Lights tonight… but maybe next time.

I’m now having my 7th and final cup of tea for the day.  It’s not that I even wanted it, really.  It’s just that ending the day having 6 cups off tea doesn’t seem like a very good number to end on…  ‘I’m not superstitious… but I am a little stitious.’ – Michael Scott, Season 4, episode 1

Okay friends, that’s all for now.  I hope you’ve enjoyed reading!

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The Scotland Adventures Begin!

I made it to Scotland! Yay! The weather is SO nice over here.  It is cool – around 50 or 60 degrees all day long (a phenomenon I’m told isn’t normal for this time of year).  I’m still going through the throws of jet lag, which means it’s 11:15 p.m. my time and my body thinks it’s 5:00 p.m.  I’m hoping I’ll be able to go to sleep anyway.

Since I’ve been here, I’ve had three meals, all of them delicious and all of them homemade.  I don’t think I’ve had 3 homemade meals in a row in YEARS.  I think this stay in Scotland is going to do me some good…

Today, I went for a walk with Linda (the lady of the family I’m staying with).  It was beautiful.  They live in Muirhead, which is a small farming village outside of Dundee.  Along the way, we met several barnyard animals, which I’m sure I’ll see again on future visits.  She kept apologizing for the smell (as it is fertilizing season), and I gently reminded her that I’m from Simpson County… where it’s always fertilizing season… (I’m just glad they don’t have chicken houses here).  Anyway the walk was beautiful and the weather was perfect for it.  Though… I will probably need to pick up some rain boots to walk in… as there isn’t a day that goes by that it doesn’t rain here.  (Even if it’s just for a little while – like today).  My shoes still looked new, as the places that I’m used to walking/running are all paved.  They now look like I’ve owned them for quite some time, and they’ve been used through rain, sleet, snow, and hail.  (That’s okay by me though.  I’m always up for looking/seeming more active than I actually am…)

I’ve just gotten back from a home group of St. Peter’s Free Church of Scotland (the church I’m attending while here), and met some really nice people.  I’m hoping to get to know some of them outside of home group.  I also am wondering if they had as much trouble understanding me as I was, them.  When I asked them that, one of the sweet Scottish ladies said, “No dear, because you speak really slowly.”  I’ve never been told that before.  I had to fight a laugh.

I’m now on my third cup of tea for the day (because that’s what you’re supposed to do when you’re in the UK – drink lots of tea), and I’m hoping that it doesn’t exacerbate the effects of jet lag… but if it does, then I’ll just get started on some reading.  Or I’ll watch something funny.

Anyway, that’s all for now! I’ll write again soon.  I hope you are well, and thanks for reading.

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Updating you…

I leave for Scotland tomorrow! My bags are packed (mostly), my tickets are purchased, and everything is ready for departure.  I’ll try to update more often about life in Dundee.  Just wanted to give anyone who’s reading a heads up! 🙂

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Today is my birthday.

Last night, at a party my sweet friends threw for my birthday, I was talking with someone about my upcoming trip to Scotland.  She asked me to keep in touch, so naturally, I let her know about my blog.  I said, “I’ve already posted a few times.”  Her response, “I bet it’s hilarious.”  If you’ve been reading thus far, you know that it’s not terribly funny, but kind of serious and thoughtful.  So naturally, I decided to post a blog about a few things that I’ve thought about today that aren’t serious or thoughtful.

1.) I think that Toddlers and Tiaras is a show that is a.) hilarious, b.) job security for me. c.) sad, d.) a way in which mothers can live out their lives through their daughters whose lives haven’t ‘caught up with them’ like their moms’ have, e.) a form of child abuse. 2.) I hate reality tv.  Truly.  I prefer sitcoms or dramas. And yet, I still find myself watching it.  I think it’s because it seems a lot like an impending train wreck: You know it’s coming… you know it’s going to be bad… you know some people might get hurt or even die.  There will probably be an explosion of some sort – and you know the memories of it will be burned into your brain forever. And you cannot look away.  3.) This picture is one of my favorites.  This was taken at my birthday party four years ago.  My friends got me this suit and made me wear it (crown and necklaces included).  I think it shows you the caliber of people I choose to spend my time with.  They’re funny.  And I love them. 

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Thinking about current things…

Lately, I’ve become much more aware of how offended I can get when someone doesn’t think before they speak.  I mean, there’s room for it in funny, light-hearted conversations, where a good quick whit and a funny, well-timed sarcastic jab gets people laughing…  but when people are making themselves vulnerable, and another person just says what they’re thinking without stopping to consider how it might affect the other person… I get so angry.  It’s like a sucker-punch right in the stomach.  It’s things like that that make people not feel safe to share thoughts and feelings to begin with.  It especially bothers me when these thoughtless responses are accompanied by unsolicited advice.  Words like, “you should” or “you need to” or “here’s what you’re gonna have to do” set off in my mind what I would imagine a nuclear power plant alarms might sound like.  Here come the red flags.  Take whatever these people say with a grain of salt.  Because anyone who can’t realize that they haven’t walked in other peoples’ shoes don’t really have the right to be the person that gives ‘swaying’ advice anyway.

This isn’t to say that there isn’t room for good wise counsel, or friends who will call one another out on stuff and hold one other accountable.  But I’m describing two totally different hypothetical situations – one where people think they know it all and disregard another’s feelings – and one where there is a mutual love and respect with a shared goal.  But I digress.

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Thinking about future things.

I’m single.  Have I mentioned that?  I’m pretty sure it was stated in an earlier blog.  Anyway, one of my favorite things to do is pray for my future husband.  You might think that’s weird – and if you do, that’s okay.  It’s not going to stop me.  But if you DO think it’s weird, stop reading now.  Because I’m about to briefly describe how I pray for him.  I pray for him all the time.

Mostly, I pray that he will be given wisdom and a love for God above and beyond his love for anyone else (and obviously, I’m including myself in that).  I pray that he will be given strength and courage.  I pray also that he’ll be given the grace to persevere while the strength and courage are being built.

It will be necessary (if he’s planning on marrying me) that he be able to find the humor in everything life throws at him, so I pray that his sense of humor is being cultivated even as I write this.  I pray for our relationship – that we’ll be best friends.  Sometimes I worry that our friendship will fade over time as we become ‘that old married couple’, so I often find myself praying that we’ll have one of those relationships that can thrive – because not only do we love each other – but we like each other too.  I pray that he’ll be able to see and hear me clearly – and when he doesn’t (because he definitely won’t all the time), that he’ll be given the wisdom and courage to ask for clarification. (Men, there’s no shame in that!)

I also pray for myself – that I’ll know how to love him in ways that he needs to be loved, and that I’ll know exactly how to respect him in the ways in which he needs to be respected.  Sometimes I struggle to find the line in my thoughts between what it will look like to submit to him – while at the same time, demanding that he be the man that he was created to be.  I guess that’s a prayer for wisdom that I should be praying for myself.  (I’m guessing that will probably be a case-by-case situational response).  There are lots of pleas for wisdom that I should be praying for myself.  I’m working on that too.

I also pray that he will have obvious character and integrity – while at the same time, a gracious spirit that is not afraid to meet people and love them right where they are without any air of condemnation or judgement.  And, just in general, because life is hard, I pray that he knows and trusts in the sovereignty of God.  There are lots more things that I pray for him about, but perhaps this is enough information for one post.  I suppose, in closing, I’m praying the same things for him that I’m praying for myself, my friends, my family, and my sweet brothers and sisters in Christ: wisdom, contentment (regardless of where we are in life), an unending desire to know our Maker, and a deeper understanding of the way in which God loves us.

Anyway, those were just some of my thoughts as I was heading off to sleep.  I’m sure I’ll post more about it later – but for now, I think that’s enough.  Thanks for reading!

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What’s it gonna be?

Tonight is my graduation ceremony.  It will be a very small and intimate gathering.  As a result, we were told that we could only invite 5 people.  Long story short, this will be the first time that I’m in a room with my mother, my father, my sister, and my two brothers without any steps or in-laws present.  I have to admit, I’m a little nervous about it.  Family stuff can be so hard sometimes.  I love my family, but there are some wounds that go so deep… life is forever affected by them.  That doesn’t mean that it’s always a terrible thing.  What was intended for evil God often uses for good.  Lots of valuable life lessons… but they came at a pretty stinkin high cost.

My siblings are amazing.  I LOVE them.  Over the past few years, I’ve really grown to appreciate them in new ways.  It’s really fun because we couldn’t be more different… and yet, we share the same sense of humor.  I am the youngest of four – and though they make fun of me for saying this, the “Birth Order” rings true to form with us.  I’m sure I’ll post about them a lot more in upcoming blogs.  They all have amazing spouses as well.  They are all building such sweet little families.

Anyway, that’s all I have for now – just wanted to post about the impending situation with the nuclear family getting together again for the first time since I was born, probably.  It could be amazing… or it could be terrible.  I guess we’ll see.

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Thoughts about my friends…

I have amazing friends.  Have I mentioned that yet?  I have some of the best friends a person could ask or hope for.  One thing that’s unique about my friends is how real they all are.  If they’re anything, they’re real about who they are.  And, I feel confident in saying that if I ever called any one of them up and needed something – any of them would do their best to help me out.  I think that’s pretty special.  I’ll admit that when you start off in the same place and everyone’s lives head in different directions – or at least, different from your own, or my own, I should say, that can be hard.  BUT, I’ve gotta give it to them: they’re still rock-solid friends, even if we aren’t in the same place in life.  I was thinking about that last night as I was having dinner with my college friend-group.  Everyone (except me) in my college friend-group is married now, and we were having dinner to celebrate the first of what is, I’m sure, several more pregnancies to come – and yet, we still were able to laugh and talk and share life with one another.  We had a blast!  Then, today, I was able to talk with three friends who don’t even live in the same place as me anymore.  As I was waking up and having my coffee (I’m an addict, by the way.  I’d inject the stuff intravenously if I could…) I got online to check my email – and there they were.  I got to laugh and kid around with people who aren’t even in the same time-zone as me. (Well, one was, but the other two, no).   Such a great way to start the day.  And ex-boyfriends.  I’m still friends with most of my ex-boyfriends.  I know that sounds weird, and I’ve been told by several of my non-ex-boyfriend friends that it’s pretty unusual… but I figure, if they’re special enough for me to date, then they’re special enough to be friends with.  But I digress.   I say all of that to say, if you’re one of the ones that I’m fortunate enough to call, “friend,” know that I’m so thankful for you.  I love getting to share life with you – even through the good, the bad, and the ugly. (Mine AND yours.) 😉  (I love emoticons, by the way.  I wish there were more of them.)

Now, for those of you who don’t know me, I think you should know that I’m USUALLY not this thoughtful and whimsical.  I typically throw in a sarcastic comment or two every other sentence.  But – when writing about friends or family (that’s next, by the way), I tend to get a little bit more sentimental.  Especially when thinking about being away from them for an extended period of time.  That’s my least favorite part of going away.  Anyway, I guess that’s all for now.  Now that you know how great I think my friends are… I’m sure you’ll be sitting on the edge of your seat just WAITING to hear what I have to say about my family.  (Though, spoiler alert: I got to pick my friends.  My family was chosen for me.  More information on that to come.)  Until then, I hope that you are well, and thanks for reading!

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Time to get my foot out of my mouth, I suppose.

Okay friends, first, let me say that I never thought I’d be the blogging type.  However, I have recently made some plans…of which I will blog about later, that have prompted me to start a blog.  I’m planning on spending around 3 months in Scotland.  I (and by “I”, I mean my friends who asked that I blog instead of emailing daily updates) decided that this would be a better format rather than emailing a couple of different groups of people at a time.  I’ll be updating every so often.  This way, if people want to keep up with me, they can.  NOT that I expect anyone to keep up with me via wordpress – because like I said, I really don’t even read blogs.  That’s what’s so funny about all of this.  The only time I’ve read blogs is when I’ve been laughing with friends about other people.  But, I suppose that’s sort of a theme that God uses to teach me.  I usually end up having to eat my words when I laugh at or make fun of others.  So, here I am, doing exactly what I’ve made fun of and laughed at.  Again, not that I’ve read very many blogs.  So, if you’re a blogger, don’t assume that yours is one that I laughed at.  (I’ll try to clean up the messes I make as I go along.  Just so you know.  It’s something I do).  I guess it’s lucky that I don’t take myself too seriously.  Please be patient with me as I figure out how all of this works.  It’s taken me quite a bit of time to figure out how to post a blog – and I WON’T tell you exactly how long it took, because I think I’ve already given enough incriminating information as it is.  I don’t exactly know what to tell you what to expect out of this blog.  I suspect that at times, I will be writing about things that happen, things that I laugh at, things I’m learning, things I struggle with, ways that God is teaching me, people that I meet, and the fun things that we do. My goal is to be transparent.  (Well, as transparent as is safe on the open internet).  Feel free to comment – and if I don’t respond to your comment, it’s probably because I haven’t figured out how.  I hope you enjoy my public display of my private thoughts.

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